Taxi & Bus Operators Loan Special

Is for owners in this Industry who from time-to-time has a need for cash to effect repairs of vehicles, pay insurance and other operational expenditures and fees to which they can repay on a timely basis from income from the operation of transportation services they provide.
- Same day processing
- Relaxed* security/collateral required (see secondary security packaging)
- Enjoy low interest rates of 1% approximately
- Delayed* interest payment for up to four (4) weeks
- No processing fees
- Lump-sum payments possible
- Early close out; No Problem- No Penalty
OBF will consider deferment (forbearance) of interest payments up to four week after which outstanding interest must be brought in line with both repayment conditions for principal/interest.
OBF Imperatives
All necessary checks to affirm the truth of all matters stated before a grant of a loan is necessary (see imperatives for other packaging that appears as a suit and follow)